Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Prop R4 Droid

You are bidding on a really wonderful artpiece custom made from modified droid parts. This is the SQUAT model supposedly used in the lower profile ships (e.g. jedi starfighters). The ship designs won't allow for a fullsize astromech, so the squat models were introduced. This is R4. I call him STUBBY. He's yours for the taking as he needs a new home. Email impervium@aol.com for more details. All parts are custom cast in fiberglass and high impact urethane resin, cleaned, trimmed, detailed, painted, weathered. This all came together wonderfully. This will make an exclamation point in any sci fi replica collection. This is the FIRST EVER model of this type so bid bid bid and you're taking home a prized collectors piece. Signed by the artist. The dome is constructed hollow and utilizes clear windows for all the lenses and logic boxes, and front emitter. Transparencies line the logic sensors so this is ready to install an LED kit. I don't have any LED kits at the moment so the illuminated dome photos show what a simple interior light bulb will do on the dome. There are no electronics installed in this dome but if the bidding goes high enough I will personally install a deluxe LED light package into the dome. This is pretty large so shipping in the U.S. is going to run $85. Overseas shipping is estimated to be in the range of $145-200. If you're an overseas bidder please email first for a quote. Good luck!!!! p.s. I found a new weathering technique that allows for modification on this appearance. You can scrub away the dark weathering easily with minimal staining and re-apply. I'll provide instructions to the winning bidder.



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